Anita Saarkessian

Anita Sarkeesian is a Canadian-American feminist media critic and public speaker. She is the founder of Feminist Frequency an online platform that provides commentary and videos on the representation of women in pop culture. Anita Sarkeesian is an award-winning Canadian-American feminist media critic as well as blogger. Feminist Frequency an online platform for education that examines women's roles in pop culture, is managed by Sarkeesian. Committed to deconstructing the stereotypes of women that have been portrayed in pop culture she also works to highlight issues related to targeted harassment against women and other marginalized classes of individuals in the internet space. Sarkeesian has a Master's degree in political and social thinking from York University. As a public speaker, she's extremely sought-after as she has appeared at TEDxWomen XOXO, TEDxWomen and United Nations Broadband Working Group. Attracted to issues related to gender, feminism and identity from her early years, she founded her website Feminist Frequency in 2009 while she was still at University. The woman was determined and planned to create a web-series focused on the gender roles within games. Then, she found herself at the center of a harassment online campaign. The attack did not deter her instead it strengthened her determination to be a feminist media critic. For the many accomplishments she's made to feministism, she's an award winner. Anita Sarkeesian is an award winning media critic and the founder of Feminist Frequency an educational and non-profit organization exploring the role of women within pop culture narratives.

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